Shayana Shop

High Hawaiians - Psilocybe Tampelandia

High Hawaiians, ook bekend als Psilocybe Tampelandia, zijn een van de sterkste magische truffels die verkrijgbaar zijn. Deze krachtige truffel bevat een grote hoeveelheid van het werkzame bestanddeel psilocybine en wordt meer aanbevolen voor mensen met ervaring, omdat de effecten die ervan uitgaan over het algemeen intenser en langduriger zijn dan de gebruikelijke truffeltrip.


Deze truffel biedt visuele stimulatie in combinatie met een heerlijk gevoel van euforie. Let wel, deze truffel is geen doetje, hij geeft je de kracht om diep in je innerlijk te reizen.


7 - 10 gramów
10 - 15 gramów
15 - 20 gramów


Na ongeveer 30 minuten laten deze truffels van zich voelen en vertrek je op je ervaring. De volgende 4 tot 6 uur voel je je magisch.


Voor het beste resultaat wordt aanbevolen dat je niets eet in de twee tot drie uur voorafgaand aan het verbruik. OPSLAG: verse truffels moeten in de koelkast worden bewaard tussen 2 en maximaal 3 weken. Als u ze langer wilt bewaren, moet u ze drogen. Na het drogen van je truffels kun je ze tot 6 maanden bewaren in een gesloten doos/zak op een koele, droge plaats.


Dit product is niet geschikt voor jongeren t/m 18 jaar. Raadpleeg voor gebruik uw dokter indien u zwanger bent, borstvoeding geeft of medicijnen gebruikt. Aanbevolen dosering niet overschrijden. Niet gebruiken in combinatie met alcohol. Overmatig gebruik kan de rijvaardigheid beïnvloeden. Niet gebruiken wanneer u antidepressiva neemt. Niet gebruiken indien u aan een psychose lijdt of hiervoor aanleg heeft. Gezondheid Disclaimer
Wij versturen dit product niet naar de volgende landen:
Germany , United Kingdom

Beoordelingen High Hawaiians - Psilocybe Tampelandia Deel je ervaring


The order came very quickly and was very well packed. Impressed.

The shrooms - I made a tea with around 15g - 20g, let them seep for 20 mins or so, drank the tea and ate the mushrooms. They kicked in fast. After about 20 mins I was giggling away listening to some trippy instrumental hip-hop. About 30 mins later and the visuals were well and truly on me. I went onto my balcony and watched the roof tops below undulating and pulsating, light was striking and colourful and shadows made for great watching. This continued to build to until about 3 hours in at which point I was fully immersed - big visuals (closed and open eye), heavy trip, music was profound, geometric shapes everywhere. I actually felt a need to call my dad (we haven't spoken in a long time) and talk to him. He loved that I'd chosen to call him and share the trip (he used to enjoy himself when he was younger) and we actually, over the course of an hour or so, managed to resolve a lot of our issues. I came down gradually and felt a profound sense of happiness and contentedness, like I'd achieved something really positive. It was a magical experience. I fell asleep listening to some very chilled beach music and let my mind wander into dreams. I booked train tickets to go see my dad this morning, it'll be the first time in 2 years. Overwhelmingly positive, thanks shrooms.


First I've tried about 5g, next remaining 17g. I felt a bit dizzy and relaxed like I would be drunk a bit, but nothing unusual. Maybe it was because of influence of antidepressant medication I am taking.

Super clean, super high. I tested them on about 20g and they were tremendous. Next night it took 40g's to rock it. I'm going again!


Got my results today. Accepted into university 10g of this = a bliss.

I took all 22g's of these in one hit, just popped them in my mouth and hey... welcome to fun land. Not for the inexperienced user or first timer but wow!!!! Amazing visuals and enhanced colours.... I've just ordered more to share with friends


we had 15 gram each, consumed as part of a picnic, some laughter and fun after like one hour, but no outer-space-mind-traveling or hallucinations, after a couple of hours we took another 8 gram each, but still not more than some laughing, quite a waste of money, not the expected effects

1st truffels I'd ever done me and my mate had 11g
Each wasn't sure what expect
But these things were brilliant, no hallucinations,
Just a complete eutrophic feeling, basically felt
Like the best pill I'd ever had it was awesome. The come
Up was immense just had to ride tht out but afterwards
Probably my best night on drugs to do date.
Will be ordering more, delivery and everything from this
Place was top notch, Thank you


Super effect , we took it with friends, 6hours of full laugh ! We discovered the house from another side, everything stuff had a new life !! I recommend it a lot xx

This is a review not just for the product, but for Shayana... they ship the items quickly and professionally sealed. I am a happy customer and vow for their honesty and professional dealings... in fact, I will definitely be buying a lot more from them forever. They have a customer for life (as long as they continue their good work)!


visuals, fun, inner calm, happiness. we were 4 of us out in the woods, each one of us did whatever he/she liked and we were able to drift one another to each other's trip.

🔥TOP 7🔥