Shayana Shop

Mexican And Mckennaii Growkit Pack

1 x Mexican All in one Growkit - Medium
1 x Mckennaii All in one Growkit - Medium


Gemiddeld 400 gram per doos binnen 2-3 weken oogsten
Meervoudige flushes mogelijk.


Let op: voor optimale resultaten bij het gebruik van een verwarmingstoestel, vermijd direct contact tussen het verwarmingsoppervlak en de growkit. Als u geen ruimte kunt creëren, gebruik dan een stuk karton of een gevouwen handdoek.
OPSLAG:Alle kits zijn geënt met het mycelium van Psilocybe Cubensis en het substraat is gekoloniseerd. De optimale situatie is dat de kit direct na ontvangst wordt gestart. Echter, als je echt een paar dagen moet wachten, kun je de kit maximaal 1 maand in de koelkast bewaren. Na die periode kan de groei in gevaar komen.
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Beoordelingen Mexican and Mckennaii Growkit Pack Deel je ervaring


EEEE,, FANTASTICNO,,, BUUU,, TEK JE PRVO,276,, I BILO JE STRASNO,,, DOBRO,, smijeh,, slike,,, mislim svaka rijec je suvisna,, mc kenna ,strasna je,, je I mex ali se ne sjecam, bas, hihihihi
sad pomalo dalje,, idemo na DRUGI FL,,, LJUDI BUDITE POZDRAVLJENI


took around 2 weeks to start growing, they really shot up when i bought a propagator.
lots of shrooms, they look beautiful, im very excited to eat some today, its good friday. amen

had some rainy and cold weather so yield was not giant,but yesterday had 3,2 g mex and WOOOOW,suuperquality,hav had a lovely night!thanx shayana!


for mxy opinion the mex are the best!! didnt have giant amounts of quantity but was also because of the weather,i think,but the quality was loooovely!!thanx to shayana !

was aaall nice experience,fast delivery,the mexicans came some faster and i got 3 yields,in quantity and time the mckennas were less quantity and took longer but in quality looovely experience pretty visual ,in summit:play it again,sam!!


All in all, happy with the results... The mckennaii were especially quick to start producing, first shroomies appeared after 6days, it took the mexican 10 days to do that. I am already waiting for second wawe of mckennai to finish, have yet to test the ingestation of large quantities of these, im sure it will be a good one!

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