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(=Saw Palmetto or Zaagpalmbessen) (sevenoa serrulata)

These are dark purple berries that grow on a small palm tree, the saw palmetto (serenoa repens), that is native to Central America. The saw palmetto has sword like leaves that grow in a fan shape. Its fruits are dried and made into a tea.

Active ingredients: polysaccharides


It works as a mild aphrodisiac; moreover it improves the sexual potency. It increases the sensitivity of the skin and the sexual organs and it also stimulates the urinary tract. Finally it works as a toning agent of the male reproductive system. This toning effect has been confirmed by several studies. In addition it seems to be a remedy for enlarged prostate glands and it is used to increase female fertility and stamina. Finally, it is used as a hormone stimulant and claimed to enlarge testicles and women's breasts. The tea made out of these berries, was very popular among the native American Indians.


Add 5 dried berries to 1 cup of water; max. 2 cups a day. Soaking the berries in distilled alcohol for a week will intensify the effects. If you wish to use it as a toning agent or to increase virility, you should use it for a longer period of time (you may decrease the dosage).


high doses may lead to fatigue and increase the pressure on the bladder.
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Germany , Norway , Switzerland

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